05 July 2011

Fútbol fever!

Ask anyone who knows me, I'm not a big sports fan..... I can't stand the stoooper bowl, and baseball bores me - BUT give me an international soccer (or as the rest of the world says: football, Fußball, fútbol etc) game and I am engrossed! It's easy I cheer for: Germany, the home team of where I am, or the hosting country's team. Oh yes occasionally I cheer for the USA as well, but let's face it, it's just not our country's strongest sport....

I've been privileged enough to be in Germany during World Cup 2006, Austria during the European Cup of 2008 and South Africa during the World Cup of 2010. right now I am in Chile during Copa Americas which is being held in Argentina. That's practically next door!

Tonight was the Chile vs Mexico game. It is said that Mexico sends it's B-team to this tournament. It is also said that whichever team wins the finale is guaranteed a spot at the World Cup.

A group of us from Ecela went to El Bar de Moe. (in case you are wondering, it's Moe as in Moe Syzlak from The Simpsons.) The place was packed. We were sitting outside in the cold, not minding the cold air. The beers were huge (1Liter bottles) and cheap..... The environment was exciting...

The game began slow.....after a bit the Chileans around us began their cheer:

Chee Chee Chee Elleh Elleh Viva Chile!

Mexico scored.
We cheered louder.

And about 60 min into the game, Chile scored!!!!
The fans went wild. Jumping and stomping. I wondered if the balcony we were on would hold..... Excitement filled the air and you could feel the energy from person to person.

About 82 min into the game Chile scored again!!!!! Chile 2 v México 1. The crowd broke into songs and cheers again...

(feet stomping) Olé Olé Olé Olé! Chile! Chile!

Now it was up to the team to block Mexico from any more goals, to hold their lead for the last few minutes.... The clock hits 90. 3 minutes are added on because of penalties/yellow cards earlier in the game... 1 minute, 2 minutes, 2 minutes 52 seconds......Mexico goes for it. A silence falls over the bar as breaths are held. Chile blocks! Chile runs the ball away from the goal. Chile has won!!!!!


A flag waves, people cheer and sing, car horns honk....

It's impossible not to be taken in by the reverie, by the enthusiasm and excitement! I love football - just not the American variety!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:El Bar de Moe, Viña Del Mar, Chile

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